Monday 17 May 2010

Another college day...


Well, today was fun! 1 of 2 lessons cancelled, so a huuuuuuge waste of time. But then lunch consisted of KFC and milkshakes. I'm gonna be sooo fat...
The sweetehs! Oh my days. They got shoved up our noses, as seen below...

Good times! Anyway...

Song writing has been really crap recently. I just don't seem to have any inspiration. I don't want to write about the same old stuff, such as relationships, and teen angst for example. That stuff is way too overdone. But then come to think of it, what else is there worth writing about? Unless you constantly suffer bad experiences with health, family or subjects from the past. People always tell you to be original. But so many people are trying, ideas can be taken so easily. As a guitarist for an in-the-process-of-formation band, the pressure is on, and it is so frustrating. For me, nothing really that eventful has happened to me. I don't think people would want to listen to a song about someone's new full-time job in finance - can't see that catching on somehow...
There is one song that I wrote quite a while back, when I was experiencing frustration of maturing with an overprotective mother. I'm sure many teenagers like me have gone through that at some point. Looking at it, I think this one has potential.

I think I just need more time.

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